Showing posts with label Meetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meetings. Show all posts

Friday, 16 October 2009


Hi All,

A quick update... the EGM was held last week with a reasonable attendance.

The key changes are:

Vince Dawkins remaining as the club Chairman until the AGM

Amy Coulson stepping down as Treasurer, and taking up the Squad Manager Post
Carl Jorgeson temporarily taking over the Treasurer role (until the AGM)
Vicky Dawkins stepping down as Gen Sec
Julie Salmons taking on the new Volunteer Co-ordinator role

We would like to thank all outgoing committee personnel for their commitment and dedication for the club.

The minutes for the full meeting are available for download here

Also, all of our up to date policies can now be purchased online in a published book format. Please visit:

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Committee Changes

On Friday 7th August 2009, Debbie Muldown stepped down as Chairman for Hartlepool Wadokai.

On behalf of everyone at the club, I'd like to thank Debbie for many years of hard work on behalf of the club and its membership, and we wish her well for the future.

We are holding an EGM in September to discuss the new direction for the club, at this meeting we will vote for a new chairman. Until that time, Vince Dawkins (Vice Chairman) will step up into the Chairman role. All nominations for Chairman need to be submitted in writing before September 6th.