Showing posts with label Sensei Sakagami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sensei Sakagami. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Sakagami Sensei, Training & Grading Course

Sunday 15th November,

Hartlepool Wadokai were invited to the Hartlepool Kihon-Do Karate Club at Manor College of Technology for a Training and Grading course with Sensei Sakagami. We pre-tested our Purple belt juniors on Wed 11th, to see who was ready to grade. All the students we selected passed with flying colours and were fantastic ambassadors to our club - well done! Sensei Michael & Carl along with an injured Sensei Lynne (who couldn't train) were there to support the students.

The juniors posing with Sakagami Sensei

The following students were successful with their belt tests:
  • Vince Dawkins - 2nd Kyu
  • Beth Gray - 2nd Kyu
  • Jasmin Langley - 3rd Kyu
  • Luke Dawkins - 3rd Kyu
  • Joel Copeman - 3rd Kyu
  • Daniel White - 3rd Kyu
  • Connor Dougherty - 3rd Kyu
  • Charlotte Welsh - 3rd Kyu
A special mention to the following students who also trained with Sensei, but didn't attempt a belt test:
  • Connor Butterfield,
  • Kate McCaffery
  • Andrew Fleet
  • Keith Windross
  • Graham Field
Well done once again to all students who graded, you all really deserved your passes! Now the real hard work starts, now that you're brown belts!!!

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Way to Excellence, Leeds

27th September, Leeds

Sensei' Lynne, Michael, Carl and Amy attended the the Way to Excellence course hosted by Leeds Wadokai. Our SatNav decided to announce 'you've reached your destination' whilst we were in heavy traffic under a bridge. We eventually found the venue with time to spare and it was great to catch up with so many old friends before the session started.
Once we got through Keith Walker Sensei' gruelling warm up, we moved onto basics and combination work before working on Pinan Kata. After this the kyu grades were split from the Dan grades, we were put through Seishan kata by Sakagami Sensei. Then we moved onto Kihon Kumite and Tanto Dori (Knife Defence) and I particularly enjoyed discussing the subtle differences between what I learned in Japan (Shiramizu) and Sakagami' Sensei approach, and the reason's for both.
We all thought we were finished but Keith Walker was given the reigns again, and he had us all shadow sparring for ages! This was tough at the end of a 4 hour training session but they weren't finished yet. We lined up for what we thought would be the final bow, but Sakagami Sensei asked Peter May Sensei to put us through some final basics.
All in all, it was a really tough session, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Aiwakai WTE Course, hosted by Hartlepool Wadokai

Sunday 19th April

Hartlepool Wadokai was selected to host this edition of the Aiwakai Way to Excellence program...

Sensei Vince (right) in action

A lot of people from our club attended, and the course itself had a very good turnout with over 60 people.

Mikey and Kate
Before Kate dropped Mikey!

Sakagami Sensei looks on... in despair?

As usual with these events, the students were put through their paces by Aiwakai' top instructors.

Sensei Lynne, and Sensei Michael

Everyone worked hard on the Sensei' teachings, all of which is necessary for those wanting to reach black belt...

Some of the Darlington lot enjoy a bit of a tussle...

...though, as you can see, it wasn't all work!

Some confirmed dates in the Way To Excellence program are as follows:

September 27th - hosted by Leeds Wadokai
November 28th & 29th - hosted by Hartlepool Wadokai

The November event in Hartlepool will also include this years Aiwakai Dan Grading, and there will be a Social Event/Party on the Saturday evening.